Organ Meats: Nature's Forgotten Superfoods for Optimal Health
A deep dive into organ meats and their unique nutritional value. Learn why organ meats are a valuable addition to your diet and what nutrients they provide. Organ meats have large amounts of highly bio-available nutrients like vitamins and minerals. More than many vegetables and fruits. The nutrients in organ meats also come in the whole food matrix which allows for synergy between them.
7 Must-Read Foraging Books To Lower Your Grocery Bill
Looking to supplement part of your diet with wild edibles? These books are must-reads to learn about hundreds of wild plants and mushrooms just waiting to be harvested.
How much Ultra-Processed Food are Americans eating?
Ever wondered how much ultra-processed food you are eating? based on the data most Americans get a significant amount of their calories from these “foods”.
Plant vs. Animal Protein, Cooking with Wild Game Fat & Huegelkultur
This week I learned about the difference in plant vs. animal protein, cooking with wild game fat and setting up no-dig raised garden beds (huegelkultur).
Molecular Farming, AI-Technology to Detect Meat Freshness, and Stew in a Pumpkin
This week I learned about molecular farming, an AI-technology called the e-nose to detect meat freshness, and an amazing stew in a pumpkin recipe.
Feasibility of Vertical Farming, a Farm2Table Ingredient Tracking App, and Preparing Venison Heart
This week, I learned about vertical farming, a food ingredient tracking app and how to prepare heart in the kitchen. Check out the blog post to get access to the articles and resources.